Monday, June 25, 2018

How to Explode Traffic with the Right Content

VIP CONTRIBUTOR Tom McLoughlin 3.9K READS “Content is king” is a phrase that gets bandied around the web an awful lot. I’ve written before about how content is no good without promotion, and I stand by that. But if you do promotion right and have a relatively established website, there are a few things you can do with your content that can help explode your traffic. And I don’t use that hyperbole lightly. Too many people fall into the trap of churning out blog content for the sake of it, without much thought and research, or without delivering on that research once it’s been done. Here’s how to stop that happening, and to create informational content that will truly shine and bring lots more people to your website, in a consistent way. The starting point for all effective content (that targets search traffic at least) is keyword research. You need to ensure you are writing pieces of content that target phrases and topics people are searching for. For this process, our focus is on informational content so you should be looking for the kind of things your audiences are searching for higher in the buying funnel before they reach the commercial queries that are more likely to directly convert. Questions A great way to find this is looking for questions that people are asking about your topic. Fortunately, Ahrefs has a handy little tool for that which will tell you what questions people are searching for around your topic: In this example, if I had a client who offered trips to Italy, I would put Italy in and see what comes back. I could then start typing in more specific locations like Rome or Florence and get another batch of ideas. You could then go the other way and broaden the search...

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